
Sunday, April 29, 2012

My New Mantra

If you know me in real life you know that little else makes me happier than hot, crispy, golden french fries (did I ever tell you about the time when I was pregnant and went in for a check up and the nurse taking my vitals told me I smelled like McDonald's french fries? In my defense, I had just wolfed done a large fry right before my appointment). I've seen inspirational quotes on etsy, pintrest (ugh, don't get me started on Pintrest),  and facebook but I've never had one "speak to me". I can get behind this one.

Friday, April 27, 2012

love 'em

Spring is here and summer is on it's way! While I love the cool fall weather, I am looking forward to the new seasons. 
Need to outfit your little dumplings? 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bunny is 6!

We always celebrate Bunny's birthday around Easter. This year, it was well after Easter because of our extended visit to my parent's house. Although Caroline is far from the girl who was dependent on Bunny to go to school, she still adores her!
For Bunny's 6th birthday, we went all out with the cake. The kids had a ball playing with the icing bags and using candy for the facial features. 
Gigi, I remember you making this with me when I was a girl...I know we are missing the licorice whiskers though!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Chantelle Nicole Designs

Goodness Gracious! 
 I am in love. Seeing these sweet names melts me. My most favorite people in the world (3/4) for me to keep near my heart. I am all gooey with love over this piece and you can bet I will be a mail-box checking nut until it arrives! 

Chantelle Nicole Designs is just about the sweetest little place on the World Wide Web. While I love this mother's heart necklace, (perfect for a to-me-from-me mother's day gift I think), Chantelle has a gazillion other things that you will melt over. 
love this! 
Becky...this might be your wedding gift. Are you reading?
(this one is 50% off right kind of know that I love this one, right?!)
(but this is my next purchase)...
I didn't even scratch the surface on Chantelle's talent or designs offered. Please visit her and tell her we sent 'cha.
But for right now, I am pretty in love with this one!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

For Better or for worse

When Matt and I exchanged vows, I know there was a line in there about "for better or for worse" but I, like most brides, wasn't thinking about the "for worse" part. I was 23 and full of excitement for marriage, the trip we were taking to Bermuda for our honeymoon, and our new life. I couldn't imagine anything worse than a little bickering that married couples probably do. Around the time of our wedding, my grandparents were celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary. They had just moved from Michigan to North Carolina to be near my parents. They were retired, able to travel, comfortable enough to shop and eat out, and life was good. Fast forward ten years and as Matt and I are about to celebrate our Aluminum Anniversary (no really, google it), my grandparents are about to celebrate their Steel One (I'm not making this up, guys). We've seen some really great times (2 houses, 2 dogs, the birth of 3 kids) we've also seen some of the "worse" (downturn of the economy and 2 hospitalizations of our daughter) but I know it can get even worse. My grandparents are in the midst of his dementia and declining health. I've seen to ultimate love and care she as his caregiver has provided around the clock. I've seen the worry in her eyes and listened to her crying. I've watched her mourn the loss of the man he used to be and the lonliness that has ensued. I've seen him struggle with confusion and loss of activity. I've witnessed his personality fade away and a blank stare take over his kind face. 

Over my Easter break with the family, my grandfather was hospitalized again with a fever and general weakness. The tough decision lingering in the air was for how long could she care for him and where would he be cared for best. What was best for her? After many tours of "rehab" facilities, assisted living centers, and nursing homes, the perfect one was selected (is there ever a perfect one?) and he moved in. While never an easy decision, I know the relief that my grandmother must feel in knowing that he is being cared for. I know she must miss him in the house. These are all little parts of the "for better and for worse". With the good also comes the bad. I hope that I can handle this with grace and love if I'm blessed with another fifty years.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


In like a lion and out like a lamb? We've been to busy to even notice the weather! In the last month, we've had a LOT going on (which was detrimental to my blogging, laundry and even sewing). 
We bought into a fundraiser from Caroline's school. This was a great event where everyone wore their college team's shirt and played games on assigned much fun!

We celebrated the twins turning 4!
Chris had a special birthday luncheon. Teri had a special after school cupcake party. Matt and I had family birthday night with taco salad, cupcakes, and presents. Both kids were top banana in their class.
 and as if that wasn't enough, Doc and M came to take us all to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner on their birthday. So much fun!
At Chuck E. Cheese, my used-to-be-painfully-shy-and-leary-of-anything hoped up on stage and was loving on one of the characters. Just when you think you've got them figured out...

and Doc rode a horse in the Derby...what a fun night!

On the morning of their actual birthday I had an orthodontist appointment and had to tote them along. They looked so adorable that I had to snap a picture. The birthday boy refused to smile.
 He came close once, but held his resolve.
we've also had some at home days and are enjoying a few new shows
We've also had our share of allergy problems, ear infections, colds, had to replace an air conditioner (youch!), worried about Gramps while he was in the hospital, had a flat tire, and missed many gymnastics and dance classes due to illness. 
Bring on April!