About Us

This blog is the place I get to go when I want to brag about my family, post super cute pictures to prove it, and talk about all of the little moments that make up our lives. I am the lucky girl who follows the kids to school and is also in a classroom while also being mom to our three kiddos, wife to my husband, caretaker of the dogs, and manager of our nest. There are bad days and good days, I try to focus of the good ones here. I love cookies, cookie dough, cupcakes, french fries, trips to Target, getting green lights, watching Big Love, and trying new recipes that turn out. I am guilty of liking seventies and eighties easy listening music and getting overly excited when a magazine I subscribe to comes in the mail.

Matthew is a numbers guy by day, superdad by night. He is the fun, patient parent to my strict, harder side...basically good cop to my bad cop. His hard work enables us to have all that we need and a lot of what we want; I am more than just a little thankful. He is wonderful in his role as taste tester, dishwasher, and consultant to questions like, "which color turtleneck should I wear? green or black?". He is forgiving of the fact that I don't much about sports and am not very interested in learning. Our marriage has been a blessing and I love our journey together.

Sweet Caroline is almost eleven. Gulp. From the very beginning, she was an answer to a prayer. She is quiet, cautious, thoughtful, inquisitive, and smart. She loves to color, draw, and write stories about princesses. She has a monster sweet tooth (not sure where she gets it from) and is every cook's dream...she eats everything! She is my chief button-pusher and can get under my skin like almost no one else can...I think we are a lot alike, but she made me what no one else had...a mother. What a gift from God!

Emma Kate was delicate from the second we knew of her. Our highly dramatic little one, this dainty flower caused us worry during pregnancy, was a higher needs infant, and is our more emotional toddler. She lives up to her nickname of "sweet and sour" because when she is sweet, there is no one sweeter, but watch out if the mood turns. She is funny, sensitive, smart, and loving. Giver of hugs and always quick to say, "I love you". She doesn't hold a grudge and is quick to forgive and apologize. She is a great sister and thinks Caroline hung the moon just for her.  What a gift from God!

Sam is our first and only boy. He is a true delight but a definite step into uncharted territory. I don't exactly know how to play with him and am just learning about sports terms, dinosaur names, car makes and models, and superheroes. He is energetic sometimes and a couch potato at others, quick to smile and give hugs. While I don't always know what to do with him as he is far from the prissiness that is me, I love and cherish every second of it all. What a gift from God!