Happy Birthday to you Sam and Emma Kate! In the last two years you have added so much joy to our family and made us feel complete. You are both full of life and wonder and I love watching you grow and develop. I am so thankful that out of all of the women in the world, God gave you to me. The two of you along with Caroline are an answer to my prayers. I am enjoying watching you talk, play, learn, and continue to evolve into the wonderful people that you were meant to be. Here's to another great year, I love you!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Coupon Maddness
This week at Harris Teeter it was triple coupon week. All coupons .99 and under would be tripled. If you found an item already on sale, it would be free or close to free. There are lots of website that help you match up your stores sales with coupons and other lists of website where you could print additional coupons out. It was a little time consuming but worth it. You could use twenty a day, so we've been on the last three days. After today's trip, we headed to the library. As I was picking up all of the library books an getting ready for lunch, I saw this book in the stack that Caroline had checked out!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Farm Week

This week was farm week at school. They made bread, butter, strawberry jam, read about animals, listened and danced to farm songs, and had centers with animals. Both Caroline and Bunny dressed for the farm fun and Caroline was never more excited to go to school. We are blessed with these teachers who put so much into what they are doing.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Mardi Gras
Our preschool had a huge fundraiser planned for Mardi Gras, however, it was cancelled due to snow. The school had a smaller festival for the children during the school day this past Friday and we went and met some friends. It was perfect with two bounce houses, face and fingernail painting, a clown, a real bunny, and a few carnival style games.
Caroline, Julia, Brayden, and Zachary ( we also hung out with Cecilia, but she didn't get painted) sat in line for over 30 minutes waiting to get their sweet faces painted (the clown painter was a true artist and really took her time). The Caroline we knew a year ago would never have let a complete stranger touch her face, let alone paint it. When her and Julia got to the front of the line, Julia got a little stage fright and wanted to leave but the clown let the girls go together and painted them in stages. I was amazed that Caroline wasn't the one who wanted to run when she saw the clown ( I wouldn't have blamed her, clowns scare a lot of children and it was a stranger) but she sat there and told the clown that she wanted to be painted like a princess. I am so proud to see her maturing socially. I know that this school has a lot to do with it.
cute game for the preschool set...getting the goldfish into the bowl
(and a much more appropriate way to earn your mardi gras beads)
Julia and Caroline waiting to jump in the bounce castle and big slide

Caroline is such a great sister...holding their hands so that they don't wander off
Emma Kate

Emma Kate has hit a verbal explosion! Just when I fell into the bad habit of comparing children (you know, why isn't she doing this? Caroline did it at 20 months, etc.) Emma Kate began with sentences. The other night she told Matthew, "I want pizza". Today she brought me her empty sippy cup and shook it then added, "and I want ice". I wasn't sure I heard her correctly, so I had her repeat it. about five times. I gave her water and ice (in this house, we don't refer to it as simply ice water. Caroline started the trend.) and she went happily on her way. I really think a lot of her tantrums are partly being frustrated with not being able to communicate her many, many wants. This is a step in the right direction and oh-so-cute to hear!
Friday, March 19, 2010
The Feast of St. Joseph

To celebrate the feast of St. Joseph, Caroline's preschool class honored fathers with a "Daddy and Doughnuts" breakfast. It was a really nice way for the teachers to incorporate fathers into the classroom sinceFather's Day is in June and school is already out for summer break. The kids learned about Joseph being the father who raised Jesus and husband to Mary. I really think it was a beautiful tie in for the teachers to use. I am so grateful that Caroline is in a family-centered environment and in a school where she can celebrate her faith.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Birthday Play Date
March 28, 2008 was one special day. Not only did Sam and Emma Kate enter the world, but so did our friend Luke. My friend and neighbor, Amy, and I had an early birthday play date to celebrate all three turning two. We had cupcakes and goldfish, grapes and juice. All of the kids played so nicely and it was great to visit with the adults. Such a fun way to celebrate the birthdays of these sweet little ones.
getting ready for cupcakes and singing
Jude and Caroline
Listening to the "Happy Birthday" song...love that tongue!
getting ready in for a bite
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